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Learn about the Health Professions Council and our role.


Learn about getting registered and managing your registration with the Health Professions Council.


How long does the process of registration and licensure take to be completed?

How long does it take to receive approval?

How can I make payment?

What is the Health Professions Council?

Which health professionals are regulated by the Act?

Why is a Health Professions Council necessary?

When did the Health Professions Council become operational?

Is there a fee for the Registration and Licensing of Health Professionals?

How is the Fee Schedule determined?

Where is the Health Professions Council located?

Is the Minister a member of the Council?

How are Council members chosen?

How many members make up the Council?

How long will each member serve on the Council?

Why is a health certificate required by the Council from health professionals applying for registration?

What happens to those health professionals who have not applied for registration and continue to practice?

What happens to a person registered under the Act who performs health services other than those in respect of which he/she is registered?

What happens to a person not being a health professional who practices as a health professional?

What are the requirements for registration?

Is one required to be “licensed” as well as “registered” with the Health Professions Council?

What happens if a person fails to pay the annual licence fee?

Is one required to be “licensed” as well as “registered” with the Health Professions Council?

What provisions are in place for the registration of other health professionals who are not presently covered under the Act?

The Health Professions Council  is a statutory body with responsibility for the regulation of certain health
professionals throughout The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
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17 East Avenue,
2nd Floor, Adel House,
Nassau, The Bahamas
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