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Learn about getting registered and managing your registration with the Health Professions Council.


How long does the process of registration and licensure take to be completed?

Once your application has been submitted and completed the Council will meet to consider applications for approval, The Council meets every second Wednesday of each month.

How long does it take to receive approval?

Notification of approval is given once the Council approves the application, and the requisite licence and registration certificates are completed.

How can I make payment?

There are several payment options, HPC accepts bank transfers, in person payments via cheque and cash or online through our registration portal.

What is the Health Professions Council?

The Health Professions Council is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament for the regulation of health professions, the performance of services by members of those professions and for purposes connected thereto.

Which health professionals are regulated by the Act?

For the purposes of the Act, health professionals are identified as persons engaged in the following health professions: Acupuncture Therapy, Audiology and Speech Language Pathology Chiropody and Emergency Services Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Occupational Therapy, Optometry and Opticianry, Physiotherapy and Respiratory Therapy and Radiology.

Why is a Health Professions Council necessary?

The emergence of many new health professions has presented challenges for health service administration. These professionals and paramedical professionals’ function within individually formulated guidelines which may not always meet required basic standards. The establishment of the Health Professions Council will assist in monitoring the quality of healthcare throughout The Bahamas, and will have a positive impact on the overall delivery of healthcare in the future.

It will allow for:
● the formation of minimum Standards or Qualification;
● the Registration of Health Professionals and the issuance of Licences;
● the promotion and protection of the welfare and interest of Health Professionals;
● the establishment of a professional Code of Conduct to protect the public’s interest; and
● the regulation of the professional Code of Conduct of Health Professionals.

When did the Health Professions Council become operational?

The Health Professions Council became operational on May 1, 2000 which is the appointed day on which the Health Professions Act, 1998 came into force.

Is there a fee for the Registration and Licensing of Health Professionals?

Yes, a one-time registration fee and an annual licence fee is required; a schedule of fees can be obtained from the Council.

How is the Fee Schedule determined?

The First Schedule of the Health Professions (General) Regulations lists the fees payable under the Act and Regulations. Click here for more information.

Where is the Health Professions Council located?

#17 East Avenue Centerville
2nd Floor, Adel House
P.O. Box N-7528

Is the Minister a member of the Council?

The Minister of Health is not a member of the Council. However, the Minister of Health continues to provide direction for the Council.

How are Council members chosen?

The Minister of Health appoints Council Members. The appointments are made, after consultation with the respective Health Professional Associations and the Government. (The Act – Second Schedule, Section 1).

How many members make up the Council?

The Council shall consist of eleven members:
▪ Chief Medical Officer
▪ Three (3) shall be appointed by the Minister acting in accordance with the advice of the
Associations representing Pharmacists, Medical Technologists, Optometrists and Opticians
▪ Six (6) shall be appointed by the Minister, one of whom shall include a representative
from the other health professions registered under this Act
▪ One (1) member of the public appointed by the Minister

How long will each member serve on the Council?

A member other than the Chief Medical Officer will serve on the Council for a period not exceeding three (3) years and shall be eligible for reappointment.

Why is a health certificate required by the Council from health professionals applying for registration?

As a requirement for registration as a health professional in The Bahamas, one must be a fitas stated per Section 21 (1) (c) Health Professions Act. If any registered person upon inquiry by a Disciplinary Committee is found to be suffering from any illness rendering him/her unfit to perform satisfactorily, services may be suspended for a period not exceeding one year or removal of his/her name from the Register.

What happens to those health professionals who have not applied for registration and continue to practice?

Any person who engages in any of the listed professions and is not registered and licensed by the Health Professions Council will be liable to a penalty as per the Act Act Part V, Section 21 (1) (b).

What happens to a person registered under the Act who performs health services other than those in respect of which he/she is registered?

Any person who commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine as per the Act Part V, Section 21 (2), (a).

What happens to a person not being a health professional who practices as a health professional?

This person commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine as per the Act Part V, Section 21 (2) (a) (b) (c).

What are the requirements for registration?

▪ Evidence of educational qualification
▪ Proof of Bahamian citizenship
o or Certificate of Permanent Resident Status
o or Valid Work Permit
▪ Licensed health professional statement
▪ Meet all eligibility requirements of the Council

Is one required to be “licensed” as well as “registered” with the Health Professions Council?

Yes, every person registered under Section 12 of the Act who desires to practice as a health professional annually must be registered and licensed. Each licence issued is valid for the year and will expire on the 31st day of December of that year. (The Act, Part III, Section 13).

What happens if a person fails to pay the annual licence fee?

If a health professional fails to renew his/her licence by the 31st day of March, in any year, they shall be deemed not registered under the Act.

Is one required to be “licensed” as well as “registered” with the Health Professions Council?

Complaints are best handled directly with health professionals in the respective professional body. If this fails, a person can lobby their complaint to the HPC. A Complaints and Investigating Committee was established by the Council and will conduct a preliminary investigation into any complaint rendered. A Disciplinary Committee was also established in the event of a case that must be referred.

What provisions are in place for the registration of other health professionals who are not presently covered under the Act?

The Act makes provision for the inclusion and registration of other health professionals. Part V, Section 26 of the Act states that the Minister may by order amend the First Schedule.
The Health Professions Council  is a statutory body with responsibility for the regulation of certain health
professionals throughout The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
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17 East Avenue,
2nd Floor, Adel House,
Nassau, The Bahamas
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